9 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have A Primary Care Provider

Everybody does it. You experience a symptom—mild or medium or severe—and you head to the internet to figure out a diagnosis all on your own. However, nothing—not even the best internet search—can replace the good old-fashioned care of a medical provider. When you need a medical opinion that doesn’t come from an internet search, one of the best places to begin is with a visit to a primary care provider (PCP). In Chambers and Liberty counties, there are primary care providers that can help you experience all the benefits of being under the care of a great provider you can trust. Read on to learn about 9 reasons why everyone should have a primary care provider.

  1. Consistency

       From minor aches and pains to updated immunizations, it is great to be able to see the same provider for all your general medical needs. A primary care provider is a health resource who knows your history. Your primary care provider’s office keeps a record of your medical history, including your family history and medication use. When you return for annual exams or the occasional visit, it’s not a process of reintroduction and re-acquaintance each time; consistency with a PCP is comfort and stability.

  • Preventive care

             A primary care provider is the person you see for regular checkups. These visits

can help to detect signs of disease early on, ensuring treatment before a condition becomes worse. Based on results of routine checkups and any risk factors you’ve noted, PCPs can determine risk for certain conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. They can actively screen for early signs of issues and also advise on taking steps to prevent disease.

  • Clear communication

             Medical information is sensitive and personal. When medical staff can communicate well with their patients, it makes it easier to discuss difficult or delicate medical issues. Filling out your medical form communicates your medical history; a series of routine visits helps to build a clear channel of communication for doctor and patient. Over time, PCPs learn details of your personal life and history, making communication during visits that much easier.

  • Connections to specialists

             Ideally, a relationship with your PCP will lead you to the best specialists. Your primary care provider has the ability to reach out to a network of specialists for referrals and more complex medical needs that require higher levels of focused care. Primary care practices can help patients to connect with a variety of specialists. Whether you need a visit for a mammogram or dermatology checkups, an oncology or urology visit, your doctor can refer you to a qualified specialist. Having a PCP as a trusted resource can help to link you with a great specialist for your needs. 

  • Long-term relationship

             Primary care providers tend to be in it for the long haul; these providers are trained to care for their patients’ health over time. During this long relationship, PCPs can help patients to stay up to date on screenings, manage disease risk, make lifestyle changes, and simply get a better understanding of overall health. Having a long-term relationship with a PCP means the doctor can develop a baseline understanding of your health, which can also help to detect changes in health over time. A long-term relationship can be a lifesaver.

  • Personalized care

             What qualities do you seek in a primary care provider? Providers with good listening skills, clear communication, and a good bedside manner are ideal. Knowing what you value can be helpful as you select just the right PCP for you. In turn, your primary care provider gets to know you over time. Together you can work on healthy habits, health goals, the right medications, and other preferences you may have. By visiting  your PCP regularly, you can receive more personalized care.

  • Manage chronic disease

             Primary care physicians can empower patients to manage health conditions and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By partnering with patients, providers can help to develop treatment plans—through medication or other recommendations—to improve any adverse health conditions that you experience. Having a provider on your team is important if you’re fighting a chronic disease.

  • Cost effective treatment

             When you need to see a provider, you don’t want to have to head right to the emergency room or to urgent care. Those visits can be expensive! Scheduling an appointment at your provider’s office can save you the costs of ER and urgent care visits. In addition, regular visits to your provider with their preventive care, can help you avoid major (costly) health issues later on.

  • Familiarity is a good thing.

             Establishing a good relationship with a trusted PCP is essential. Patients tend to have a higher level of satisfaction with their medical care when they have a PCP. Having your medical information, including medications and history, all in one place can really be helpful throughout your health journey.

The primary care providers at Chambers Health take time to get to know patients, to understand their medical history, and to listen to health concerns as they provide excellent medical care. Chambers Health facilities are located throughout two counties: Chambers and Liberty. Make an appointment with one of our PCPs by calling 281-576-0670.



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